Saturday, April 10, 2010

Live at the HAYLoft tonight....

Hay peeps...good day to you on this pleasant "SpringtimeinAlberta" day out there...are you still looklin for something to do tonite...well blow out this way and get out of the hurricane...gather around our wood burning stove and soak up some good vibes and livemusic and a room full of friendlys...featuring the "Marv Machura Band"..."the HeartAcres" and of course "the Monsterjam" after the show...wanna jam...get down and out tonite...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A quick reminder...

Hay everybody...well just a little reminder on the upcoming " LiveattheHAYLoft " always the doors are open at starts around 8:30...featuring our friend Marv Machura and his band of hombres...and... I'm thinkin' about the jam after the show...where I too will be able to play some guitar or drums with some of the boys and yeah..."webejammin"...and of course it goes without saying that "theHeartAcres" will be doing some of their favorites to open come on out spend an evening in the country...with some great folks...supporting live music...see the progress of the " Prairie Rose " come early and say hello...see you Saturday...door $10...

ps...we will have tickets available on Saturday for "SpringtimeinAlberta " May 15-2010...

meantime check out our " SpringtimeinAlberta " feature video